About Me

I say smile and she yawns!


My name is Kelly and I have Tourettes. No, I don’t curse randomly. That’s only one way Tourettes may manifest; there are a million different ticks someone can have that don’t include cursing at all.

About 3 years ago, I was lucky enough to get a service dog to help with my Tourettes. Hedwig was 2 when she came to me and together we trained to be a Service Dog Team. Now, three years later, Hedwig and I are inseparable. I cannot tell you how many times she has saved my life by warning me before my twitches start and helping through sudden attacks.

I currently work as an office manager in the Social Services Industry. I absolutely love my job and I’m blessed to have coworkers that accept me, Hedwig, Tourettes, and all!

When I’m not working, I like to work on my writing. I would love to be a published writer someday. I also like reading, mainly historical fiction and biographies, and baking, particularly cookies and cupcakes.