1.       Where are you from?
Eastern, PA born and raised!

2.       When did your Tourettes start?
The physical ticks started around fifteen but really intensified at eighteen.

3.       When did you get Hedwig?
I got Hedwig when I was twenty-three. She was 2 at the time.

4.       What breed is Hedwig?
Dogo Argentino

5.       How old is Hedwig?

6.       What’s the most annoying thing people say to you about Hedwig?
“I wish I could bring my dog everywhere I went.” Really? You wish you twitched
so bad sometimes that your whole body hurt non-stop? I know it seems like an
innocent comment, but it’s not. When her vest is on, Hedwig is not a dog, she is
medical equipment.

7.       Have you ever been denied entrance because of your service dog?
Yes. It’s usually just because of misinformation on the part of the owner/employee
who has stopped me and once the laws are explained, I have no problem.
However, there have been times where no matter how many times I explained
that denying me entrance was illegal, some people just don’t want to let us in.
That’s fine; I don’t want to give them my business anyway. Also, there are ways I
can report this illegal denial of service.

8.       Where did you get Hedwig from?
Check back later – Once I get clearance from the organization, I will update.